Children's Programs

Ashley headshot

We've been blessed with many children at Faith Church!

Raising our children to know Jesus in a loving and nurturing environment is a responsibility we all share—in fact, it's a promise we make as a community when they are baptized. Faith Church has programs for children from birth to young adulthood. 

Ashley Tamminga - Children's Ministries Coordinator

Welcome to Kids' Ministries!

We love the hum of our building when it's full of children on Sunday mornings,

and during the week for our weeknight ministries!


Nursery (Newborns–age 3)

Sunday mornings during our worship service.

Nursery is a safe place for our youngest members to have a positive first experience of church. It's a welcoming, consistent space that toddlers and young children can look forward to enjoying each week. Often, it's the first place a child learns to be away from their parents and cared for by someone else.

Young people aged 11 and up are encouraged to volunteer to be active and engaged helpers in the nursery. At least one parent of families who use the nursery regularly should be on our nursery volunteer list.

Please register your kids for nursery once you arrive at church. We have a paging system in the worship space to contact caregivers if their child needs them during the service.

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JourneyKids Logo
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Children's Worship (Ages 3–5)

Sunday mornings during our worship service.

Children's Worship follows a beloved curriculum called Young Children in Worship that is based on Montessori methods of education. The children start with a song and a Bible story acted out using beautiful, handmade wooden figures and simple props. The children are welcomed to respond to the story by playing with the wooden figures and/or making a simple craft.

A unique aspect of this curriculum is that the children are led in a simple, age-appropriate communion each week with water and crackers. This contemplative, calm environment is a great way to introduce preschoolers to activities they will do at school and in "big church" for the rest of their lives.

Please register your children at the registration desk near the nursery. Kids will head downstairs when dismissed from the upstairs "big church". At the end of the service, parents/caregivers come downstairs to pick up their kiddos. Caregivers are required to keep their portion of the registration tags to hand to the volunteer teachers when they pick up their kids!





JourneyKids (Age SK- Grade 5)

Sunday mornings during our worship service.

This is a time of fun and learning in a safe, nurturing environment.

Each month we learn a new theme based, a new memory verse, and a new song. We begin with a worship song related to the theme to help the kids memorize songs we sing upstairs in "big church" and sometimes we teach the congregation the actions and creative movement we learn along with it! Then, we watch a presentation of the Bible lesson and move into discussion and reflection. Throughout the morning, the kids will engage in activities that will help them relate to the lesson in a tangible way.

Our goal in JourneyKids is to promote discovery and invite kids into an ever-growing relationship with Jesus.

Please register your children at the registration desk near the nursery. Kids will head downstairs when dismissed from the upstairs "big church". At the end of the service, parents/caregivers come downstairs to pick up their kiddos. Caregivers are required to keep their portion of the registration tags to hand to the volunteer teachers when they pick up their kids!


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GEMS (Grades 2–6)

Thursday nights, 7–8:30 am every other week at Faith Church -that's right, we're back at Faith Church, 2265 Mountainside Drive! (September to April)

GEMS stands for "Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour". The GEMS program aims to help bring girls into a living relationship with Jesus Christ.

In GEMS, girls meet in small groups of six to eight and get to know each other and their leaders well. Girls participate in team building; enjoy dynamic singing, develop important life skills through badge activities; and make creative and fun crafts. They learn life skills, such as emotional and physical health, citizenship, understanding disabilities, building family and other relationships, resisting peer pressure, and activism.

Girls also participate in Bible study and do service projects that make a difference in other’s lives.




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Yellow & Black Simple Business Construction Promotion Instagram Post (Facebook Cover)

Boys Club (Grades 2–6)

Thursday nights, 7–8:30 pm every other week (September to April)

This is a time for boys to learn about God through a Bible lesson and relationships with other Dads from the congregation who lead the program. We also have active games, use the wood shop to make fun and interesting projects and do fun activities like hockey games, skating, bowling and laser tag.