Coffee Break (Women's Ministry)
Coffee Break is a women's Bible study that meets on Wednesday mornings at 9:30am - 11:00am, in the chapel area of the church. Childcare is provided for infants and preschool children. Enter the building from the back door, and staff will greet you there! This is an opportunity for you to get to know Jesus through studying the Bible, in conversation with other women! All women are welcome – no Bible knowledge needed! Please use the Get In Touch form below with your questions.

Home Church
Home Church is a gathering of people who meet regularly to join in God's mission. This is an excellent way to get connected, to grow spiritually, and to find ways to serve in your community.
Home Church groups typically consist of 8 to 12 people that meet in each other's homes or via Zoom. The groups meet weekly to connect (support each other), grow (study God's word) and serve (find ways to reach out to the community). Many groups use a set of questions based on the Sunday morning message to dive in deeper with each other creating a strong sense of accountability and support.
Participants commit to a minimum eight-week session. Three eight-week sessions are offered throughout the year, beginning in late September through June, with breaks in between and during the summer months. During the breaks we take time to celebrate the amazing things that God is doing in our Home Church groups.

New Members Classes
This is a four-week membership course for those who wish to formally become part of the Faith Church community. It runs for four sessions, several times per year, on an as-needed basis. Please contact us to learn more.

Are you exploring Christianity? Would you like to refresh your walk with God? Alpha is a series of interactive sessions exploring the basics of the Christian faith. It typically runs weekly for about 11 sessions, plus a Saturday retreat.
We run Alpha in the Fall. Location is determined based on the size of the group. You can learn more about Alpha at www.alphacanada.org.

Faithwalking is a spiritual formation journey that leads participants to take steps toward a more vibrant and integrated walk with God. It helps participants develop awareness of the obstacles to such a life and overcome them by practicing growing authenticity with God and in community.
Faithwalking runs at regular intervals throughout the year. You can learn more about the Faithwalking program at www.faithwalking.us.