We are snowed in! Please enjoy this day of rest at home.
Worship with a church Livestream - find a CRC on YouTube or check out the website of a nearby congregation in Burlington. Or find some of your favourite worship songs to sing with.
Rest with Psalm 23 or today's planned scripture, John 3:1-21. Pray for our church family and the world.
Consider how you may Witness to the love of Jesus - Be Present with your neighbours today!
Shalom, friends!
~ AdminTeam

Worship With Us!

We continue to worship together every Sunday at 10 AM, both in person and online.

To join our service online, just visit our livestream page on Sunday at 10 AM.

Latest Message

Series: Everyday Stories for Everyday People

God is Giving a Party! Are You Going to Come? Are You Sure?

Luke 14: 15-24