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If you have questions or need more information, please fill out our Get In Touch form at the bottom right of this page.

Special notice
Our services are live streamed on our website! By entering the sanctuary you consent to being filmed and/or recorded. If you have concerns, please ask the usher to seat you where you will not appear on camera. No other areas of the building are broadcast on the livestream.
You can also continue to watch our service livestream here or click here for weekly resources designed to help you Worship From Home.
Service Time
We gather for worship on Sunday mornings at 10 am. It's good if you arrive at the building at least five to ten minutes before the service starts.
How We Dress
We're pretty casual at Faith. Come as you are.
Getting Around
For in-person worship, please use the side doors (under the overhang, near to the road) to enter and the back doors to exit.
Once you enter the sanctuary, an usher will help you find a seat.
Parking: Our accessible parking spots are located along the fence on the left as you pull into our parking log.
Wheelchair Accessibility: An elevator is located at the side entrance of the building, near the accessible parking. An usher or greeter can help you use the elevator if needed.
We have many young children at Faith! Nursery is provided for infants to age 3. Chidren's Worship is for kiddos from pre-school to the end of Jr Kindergarten, and JourneyKids is for Kiddos in SK to grade 5. A separate registration inside the building is required for children's programs. Please click here for more information!
Sunday worship at Faith is all about coming together as a community to meet with our God. It is a time to offer praise, prayer and thanksgiving. It is also a time for confession and sometimes even for lament. We have a worship team at Faith that leads music during each Sunday worship service. Then, our pastor delivers a relevant and challenging Bible-based message that addresses the issues we deal with every day in our journey. Members of our Prayer ministry are available at the end of every service to pray with you.
The Celebration of Communion
We celebrate Communion once a month at Faith Church, on the third Sundays of the month (or on Good Friday in March/April).
Communion is available for all ages that express a love for Jesus, seek His forgiveness and long to live for Him. We encourage parents who wish their children to participate to have a conversation with them beforehand about the meaning and significance of this gift of God’s grace.
Our Communion celebration happens toward the end of the worship service. We stand in circles and an Elder passes around a plate of bread and a tray of juice cups. Please know that there is no obligation or pressure to participate. We pray that you will be blessed as we focus on the sacrifice of Jesus and His love for each one of us.
Coffee & Refreshments
Join us for a cup of coffee or tea after the worship service! After the service, follow the crowd out the sanctuary doors to the right, towards the nursery area. We'd love to get to know you.