09-29-2024 Sermon Questions

Discussion Questions

Series: Acting in God’s Drama: What’s my Role in the Story?

Genesis 3, “Act 2: Fall into Sin”


1. Opening: Share about your worst day ever (or another really bad day).


2. What did Adam and Eve do wrong? Another way of asking this is: how do you describe or define sin?


3. What does it mean to have “enmity” between the serpent and the woman / her offspring (v.15)? How do you experience this enmity in your own life?


4. Do you think sin is taken seriously enough? By you, by people at Faith Church, by the Church in general, by the world? Why or why not? If not, talk about what a right attitude toward sin would look like. Think about how Jesus’ sacrificial work in Act 4 affects our attitude toward sin.


5. What is something from this discussion or from Pastor Cara’s sermon that will shape you this week as an Actor in God’s Drama?


6. Consider reading together the Fall section of Our World Belongs to God, paragraphs 13-17 – find it online at https://www.crcna.org/welcome/beliefs.