Introducing The Bridge App
Although online giving is what initially convinced us to adopt The Bridge App and roll it out as soon as possible, we are also pleased by its potential for deepening our connections as a church family. So, please, help us to connect:
If you have a smartphone, download The Bridge App for free from the Apple or Google Play app stores.
Create an account, or sign in with an existing Google account — preferably with the email address that is in our Faith Church directory.
If you don’t immediately see information specific to Faith Church, click on Circles and locate Faith from the list in “My Church.”
If you need additional assistance, click here for instructions to get started and a brief introductory video.
We encourage you to explore and have fun!
Here are some highlights:
- You can give to a number of deacon-highlighted causes and the church budget through The Bridge App. The app will save your credit card information, making it easy to give from one week to the next.
- Our Weekly News Updates will automatically be posted through the app. (They will still also be emailed to you as usual.)
- The app has a church directory function. Most of our members have already been added. You can edit your contact information and upload a photo.
- The Bridge App contains the Bible in a variety of translations. It’s easy to search and to use.
- Today, the CRC’s daily devotional, is available within the app.
Blessings to you and your families as we continue to trust in God and lean on each other during these difficult times.