Sermon Questions 10-20-2024

Discussion Questions

Series: Acting in God’s Drama: What’s my Role in the Story?

Luke 24, “Act 4: Jesus Accomplishes Redemption”

  1. Opening: What’s the best surprise you’ve ever received (or made possible for someone else)?
  2. If you could hang out with Jesus for one day in his life on earth (or one event in his life), which one would it be, and why? Or if that question doesn’t work, simply talk about your favourite parts of Jesus’ story in the gospel accounts.
  3. Discuss why Jesus’ ministry, death, and resurrection are the climax of God’s Drama. What problem does it solve? How does it reveal how the Drama will end? (consider words like redemption, kingdom, resurrection)
  4. Have you died and risen with Christ? If so, how do these events continue to shape your life? (Look at Romans 6:1-14 or Colossians 3:1-17.) If not, what’s stopping you?
  5. The gospels give a model of following Jesus as disciples and sharing about Jesus as witnesses. How do you personally live into these roles?
  6. Consider reading together the Christ section ofOur World Belongs to God,paragraphs 23-27 – find it online at