Sermon Questions 12-15-2024

Sermon Discussion Questions, December 15, 2024
Series for Advent: Manger King
Luke 15, especially vv. 11-32, “The Kingdom of JOY”

1. Opening: What’s the most memorable party you’ve attended or hosted?

2. Although today is Joy Sunday, let’s start by acknowledging the things that make it hard for you to feel joy right now. Consider concluding this question with a word of prayer.

3. Talk about the three parables in this chapter. What does it mean to be lost? Found? According to these stories, how do we experience joy?

4. Share an experience of journeying with or witnessing someone being found by God / coming home. What was it like for you?

5. Place yourself in the parable of the Lost Sons – where do you find yourself today? In a “distant country” with the younger son? Being welcomed home by the father? Celebrating as part of the father’s community? Outside like the older son, a different sort of “distant country”? Again, prayer may be an important way to conclude this question.

6. What is one thing you will do this week toward deepening your joy as it is described in Luke 15?