Sermon Questions 2025-01-26
Series: Everyday Stories for Everyday People- Lay Preaching Team Series 2025
Title: God is Giving a Party! Are You Going to Come? Are You Sure?
Speaker: Kevin DeRaaf
Read Luke 14:15-24
1. The message today imagined an exclusive invitation from Taylor Swift to a private listening party. What special or famous person would you like to receive an invitation from and what kind of event would it be?
2. Jesus’ parable pictures the Kingdom of God like a banquet feast. Read Isaiah 25:6-9 and Revelation 19:6-9. How does this image of the banquet shape how we live as followers of Jesus? How does it shape our picture of eternity?
3. The parable of the banquet clearly addresses the spiritual pride of the religious leaders of Jesus’ day. It is meant to stir up discomfort. Take some time to reflect on this important but uncomfortable question: In what ways do our spiritual lives reflect those who made excuses to absent themselves from the feast?
4. Everyone who accepts the invitation is at the banquet. What lessons can we learn from this parable about the mission of God? How does it shape our own witness and that of our church?
5. Take some time to pray for our hearts to be rekindled with excitement for the beauty and thrill of God’s Kingdom. God is throwing a party and you are invited! Pray for the witness of the church that everyone will hear and accept the invitation from Jesus to join His banquet feast!