Sermon Questions April 14, 2024

Sermon Questions for Reflection and/or Discussion, April 14, 2024
“Resurrection Relationship, Part 2: Choosing”
John 15:1-17

1. Opening: What’s your favourite way to connect with a dear friend or family member?

Two options for today. First, use the following questions to move, as usual, from reflecting on the passage to applying it to your lives. Or second, find your Faith Practices book from Summer 2023 (extras in back of church sanctuary) and do a Lectio Divina exercise together. The exercise is explained on p.10-11. Each chapter offers suggested passages; perhaps one from the Engaging Scripture chapter (p.24-26) would work well.

2. In John 15, which is part of Jesus’ teaching at the Last Supper, Jesus gives his closest disciples two gifts in advance of his departure: the image of a vine and the word “remain” (or abide). What strikes you about these gifts? Do this image and this word feel like gifts to you? Why or why not?

3. For those of you who are finding it possible to “choose” Jesus right now by nurturing your relationship with him, how would you describe Jesus? What’s your favourite image?

4. For those of you who are finding it difficult right now to nurture your relationship with Jesus, what are the barriers? Will you allow your group members to speak encouragement into these challenges?

5. Discuss as a Home Church whether you’d like to make a communal goal for how to connect with Jesus through Scripture in the next month.

6. Pastor Cara would be delighted to hear from anyone in your group (1) who has not been baptized and would like to be OR (2) who is interested in demonstrating their acceptance of the promises of God through profession of faith.