Sermon Questions December 8, 2024
Sermon Discussion Questions, December 8, 2024
Matthew 25:31-46, “The Kingdom of PEACE”
1. Opening: Where’s a place that you feel most at rest?
2. Pastor Cara asked, “What defines a person of peace?” Review that conversation. What stands out?
3. Talk about this “parable” of the sheep and goats. What struck you in a fresh way this morning, or what was a helpful reminder?
4. If you didn’t do so already in #3, talk about the tension between salvation by God’s grace and the emphasis on actions in this parable. It might be helpful to read Matthew 7:21-23 and Ephesians 2:8-10.
5. How have you experienced Jesus among the vulnerable?
6. Is God laying on your heart an opportunity (new or continued) to offer the blessing of peace (food, drink, welcome, clothes, visit) to someone in your life? Share it with the group or with someone close to you, so they can encourage you in this kingdom endeavour.