Sermon Questions June 23, 2024

Sermon Questions for Reflection and/or Discussion, June 23, 2024
Celebration of our 40th Anniversary!
Psalm 145, “Praise from A to Z”

1. Opening: Share a favourite memory about your time at Faith Church.

2. In Psalm 145, God is praised for who he is and what he does. Scan the psalm for one of these descriptors and talk about how it’s true in your own life or how you’ve seen this aspect of God at Faith Church.

3. In verses 11-13, the psalmist focuses on God’s everlasting kingdom. We might summarize the psalm this way: It proclaims that God is king, forever, gloriously, no matter what else seems to be true. How do you explain what God’s kingdom is? Share examples of God’s kingdom coming on earth as it is in heaven.

4. In the psalm we see a movement towards more and more creatures praising God (v.1, 10, 21). As Faith Church moves into the future, how can we be part of sharing the good news of our King, such that new people come to praise him?

5. Together make your own acrostic for F-A-I-T-H   C-H-U-R-C-H (choose one descriptive word or phrase to go with each letter).

These are our last questions of the ministry year. Questions will resume in September. Be sure to pray for one another before you close.