Sermon Questions May 26, 2024

Sermon Questions for Reflection and/or Discussion, May 26, 2024
Series: Our Anniversary – “Forty … and Then What??”
Deuteronomy 31:1-8, “Forty Years and Then… DO NOT BE AFRAID!”

1. Opening: Do you remember your baptism or profession of faith? Talk about your memories and/or the baptism / professions of faith this weekend.

2. The whole book of Deuteronomy is Moses’ final, very long speech to the people of Israel – before Joshua takes over, Moses climbs Mount Nebo and dies, and God leads the people into the promised land. It marks a significant moment in Israel’s history. What reasons might be cited by the people of Israel or Joshua their new leader for being afraid?

3. Is this a significant moment for you personally or for Faith Church as a whole? Why or why not?

4. As you look into the future, what are you afraid of? What might Faith Church be afraid of, as we look into the future?

5. For what reasons does Moses command his audience to not be afraid? How is Moses’s message appropriate and helpful to you today? What does it look like to not be afraid, as a Jesus follower or as a church? How might you lean into this “strong and courageous” posture in the coming days?