New Series Starts May 12!

As we anticipate the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Faith Church on June 23rd, Pastor Cara will be preaching on 40s in the Bible, and what came after!

May 12- Forty Days and then WAIT! Jesus ascends after 40 Days with his disciples post-resurrection. What then?

May 19- Guest Pastor, Jolene Veenstra will preach on Pentecost

May 26- Forty Years and then DO NOT FEAR:  It’s been 40 years of wandering for the Israelites. And 40 years of palace life, then 40 years as a shepherd, and 40 years of leading people for Moses. And what does Moses say at the end of it all?

June 2- Forty Days and then FLOURISH: Our Spring Service Sunday! Groups will head out to different work sites to worship through practical tasks. Worship at 9:30AM!

June 9- Forty Days and then GET TO WORK: Jesus’ experience in the wilderness prepares him for his time of ministry, in the power of the Spirit.

June 16- Lay Preaching Team member Ron on 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

June 23- 40th Anniversary Celebration! Join us for a special celebratory worship service at 10:00 am