Sermon Questions December 3, 2023

Sermon Questions for Reflection and/or Discussion, December 3, 2023
Series: Comfort, Comfort, My People
Text: Isaiah 6:1-8
Title: Hope in the Holy One of Israel

1. Opening: What’s the biggest and best something you’ve hoped for that came true?

2. Read Isaiah 6:1-8. What do you notice about Isaiah’s vision and commissioning?

3. Isaiah refers to God 27 times as “the Holy One of Israel.” See, for example, Isaiah 1:1-4. What does it mean that God is holy? How do you respond to God’s holiness?

4. In the sermon / monologue, Isaiah says that God’s holiness gives him hope. What is hope? And what gives you hope?

5. In Isaiah’s vision, God commissions him to be a prophet. Has God ever given you a vision that directed you in your life? Share that story. Or talk about how you’ve experienced God’s calling toward a particular task or career or opportunity.