Sermon Questions November 5, 2023

Sermon Questions for Reflection and/or Discussion, November 5, 2023
Series: What the Spirit Says
Text: Revelation 3:1-6
Title: “Church, Wake Up by my Spirit and Walk with Me!”

1. Opening: Are you a light or heavy sleeper? Share a story about being woken up unexpectedly (or not!).

2. Jesus describes the church of Sardis as sleeping, even dead—even though it has a positive reputation. What are characteristics of a sleeping or dead church?

3. What does Jesus say in order to compel the Sardis church to wake up? What are signs of a wakeful, alive church? Share examples if you can.

4. How are you “sleepy” as a Christian? How is Faith Church “sleepy”? In this spiritual context, what is the appeal and the threat of being sleepy? Conversely, what are the challenges and gifts of being alive?

5. In Rev 3:1, Jesus holds in one hand the seven spirits (the complete fullness of the Holy Spirit) and in the other hand the seven stars (representing the seven angels of the churches, ultimately the Church itself). We pray, “Jesus, bring your two hands together and cause us to live” (Darrell Johnson, Discipleship on the Edge). What is one thing you’re willing to do in cooperation with the Holy Spirit to wake up personally? What is one thing to pray about / work for in order to increase Faith’s wakefulness?

6. “Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Based on this letter, what is the Spirit saying to you? To Faith Church? How will you respond? Note: Anytime you reflect on what the Spirit is saying during this series, consider sharing your insights with others for communal encouragement, correction, accountability, and/or growth.